1. You really get to know everyone.
No passing face in the halls will be an absolute stranger, which is a comforting thing when getting through the day.
2. You really get to know your teachers on a one on one basis.
Teachers get to know their students and help them in ways a larger school cannot because of a large number of students they teach per day. At larger schools, commonly there is a disconnect between students and teachers, but at small schools, this is never a problem. Teachers, janitors, and administration put forth a greater effort to learn about the students in their school.
3. Smaller class sizes.
A few of the classes I have are made up of only fifteen students. Due to this, the class becomes closely knit with each other and the teacher. Smaller classes also create one on one time with students and teachers for extra help.
4. There is a less hectic atmosphere than that of a large school.
Yes, there are still fights, like there is in any high school. But only having five halls in the entire school eliminates the rushed feeling in between classes.
5. Sporting events are a whole school activity.
A huge number of students get involved with sporting events, from volunteering to work the event, or being a player. Due to this, each win is a win for the whole school. The people on the field or court are often very close to you because of the small number of people within the school.
6. A success for one student is a success for the entire school.
When one student makes a great achievement in or out of school they are usually mentioned in the daily announcements to enable the entire school to congratulate them.