If you have siblings, you know your roles. The eldest, you are the boss, the middle, you have the gift of having an older and a younger sibling. Then the golden child is the youngest. The youngest child is the baby of the family so you get everything handed to you. Your parents were so thrilled when you came along, they didn't have any more kids because they finally had their perfect child. Your older siblings were just the prototypes and your parents just don't want to admit it. So if you are the youngest in the family, you definitely know these perks, and if you're not, then now you know how awesome it is to be the youngest.
1) You learn from your older siblings' mistakes
You know their stories of getting caught skipping class, smuggling beer and missing their curfew. So you know how to avoid making those same mistakes. "Practice makes perfect".
2) You always have a ride.
If you're parents aren't around to take you to the mall, or your friends house, who do you call? Your older brother or sister! You can always find a way to persuade them, or you can call your mom and force him or her to drive you. But trust me, once you start driving, they will be calling you for a ride after a big party.
3) They tell you their deepest, darkest secrets and when the time is right, you use that against them.
I know I have definitely had the upper hand when it comes to my brothers. If I want them to do something for me and they just aren't having it, I bring up the fact that I know they did some sketchy things. 99 percent of the time it works like a charm, but there are a few circumstances that it won't work. And with those situations, you bribe them and trust me, older siblings will do anything for money.
4) You have a go-to therapist 24/7
They know how crazy and annoying your parents are so you can always go and vent to them. They give you great advice because they have been in that situation before. Plus, they don't charge you.
5) Their hot friends
Now I'm sure every sister has had a crush on their brother's friend(s) and every brother has had a crush on their sister's friend(s). Then once you get older, you mom tries to set you up with them...no...just me...great. Now my brother's friends...they were "eh" but my brother has tried for me to set him up with some of my friends.
6) You have a round-the-clock bodyguard
Once you hit the time in your life when the opposite gender is in the picture, oh boy. Your older siblings jump in, ask a million questions about him or her and give their big sibling speech. But they always have your back and are ready to beat up the person who breaks your heart.
7) You have an automatic best friend
Before school, and day care, you live with these bigger people who you love more than anyone (besides your parents). You have a special bond because you share the same genes and you live through the same life everyday. As you get older, your bond grows and your tolerance for each other grows as well. "Friends come and go, family is forever."
So as you can see, being the youngest isn't so bad because you will always have your siblings to be there for you and be your #1 fan. Love you guys.