People tend to be either extroverted or introverted. While extroverts enjoy being around people as often as they can, introverts tend to enjoy alone time in a place where no one will bother them. Because of this, most introverts tend to be homebodies. Being a homebody has quite a few perks. Here are some perks of being a homebody:
1. You don't have to get dressed.
Let's be honest, who likes to get dressed up to go out? Sure, looking good can make you feel more confident but sometimes it's just downright uncomfortable. When you're a homebody, you can stay in your jammies or sweatpants all day without a care in the world.
2. You can eat free food.
For me, personally, the food at my house is free. Even if it isn't free and you're the one paying for groceries, why would you want to pay for even more food? Stay inside and eat the food you already paid for. Your wallet will thank you later.
3. You don't have to pretend to be nice.
We all reach a point where we get tired of people. Even extroverts can't be with people 24/7. Or maybe it's the beginning of the day and you can still tolerate people, but that one person that you can't stand comes up to you and tries to start a conversation. Yeah, nope. I'd rather be inside, where that person can't bother me.
4. Pets.
One of my favorite things about being at home is being with my dogs. They love to snuggle and they don't judge you. Stay at home and spend some quality time with your favorite animal. They'll love it just as much as you, if not more.
5. It's good for your mental health.
Everyone has had an experience where they've been invited to go out and have gone because they felt socially obligated to, not because they wanted to. It's normal to need a night by yourself, to rest and recharge -- read a book, take a bubble bath or watch a movie. Do something to relax yourself and your mind. Life can be stressful, and it's good to take a break.
6. You are really productive.
When you're at home you can get so much done. You can do work from home, start a new home improvement project or bake something delicious. The possibilities are endless.
7. You get to spend quality time with your family.
Family is one of the most important things in life. Most people are constantly on the run and don't get to spend much time with their family. Stay inside and bond with them. Have a family game night or binge watch your favorite series on Netflix.
8. You get to start new hobbies.
So many fun hobbies can be found at home! Knitting, journaling, reading, etc. Being at home is just a comforting experience, and so many fun hobbies can come from staying inside. My personal favorite is binge watching.