I was involved in band for nine years. So you could say band is very important to me, my life and my scholastic career. Having been a drum major during my field shows and marching band performances and involved in my school's concert band programs, I have learned many things. Here are 10 things I learned about band and why everyone should join.
1. You make many friendships.
The people who are involved in band with you are the people you see the most. So it is inevitable that you'll build relationships and friendships with them. And plus, you already have some things in common: you both know how to play an instrument and read music. Who knows, you may meet your best friend through band.
2. You make memories.
Once you build your friendships, you make a lot of memories. They will be made while on trips to show competitions, during band camp, while other sections are practicing, and during concerts. You'll always look forward to what the band will do next, and after high school, you'll always remember those times.
3. You're given unique opportunities.
Based on your level of talent, you get certain rewards and opportunities. A major one is the chance to be a drum major. It's a lot of fun and it also teaches you responsibility. Other opportunities in your school are solos during concert band, assisting in creating field shows and being a part of a more elite band group. Out of school opportunities are chances to participate in all-county and area all-state.
4. You have a special talent that will be with you forever.
Sadly, not everyone can say they can play an instrument. Learning how to read music and play that music allows you to learn how to communicate in a new way. It's like learning another language. You''ll carry it with you forever and always.
5. What happens at band camp doesn't really stay at band camp.
What you learn during your summer band camp will last with you for as long as you let it. You learn how to take instruction and criticism, you learn structure and patience, and develop great listening skills. What is taught to you in band camp can be applied to every day life, not just band.
6. You learn how to work with others.
Even though you learn your own sheet music for your single instrument, you have to work with the entire band and be aware of the members around you. If not, the outcome wouldn't be as successful. Everyone has to work together in order to produce the best show possible.
7. You build a strong relationship with your band director.
Your band director is not only your director. They are the one teacher (or one of the teachers) you will always have a strong connection with. You always want to be in their room for study halls and lunches. You'll know that your relationship is pretty strong when they let you miss any class because you have a "band lesson."
8. You'll have a ton of fun.
Band is such an amazing time. It's the perfect balance of hard work and leisure time. It's an activity that you won't really stress about; it's all about doing your best and having fun while doing it.
If you're already in band, cherish all of these things. It not seem like it now, but it goes by fast. Once you're at college and are no longer a part of a band, you'll miss it for sure. If there was any form offered at my school I would join it in a heart beat. If you're not in band, join band. You won't regret it. I promise.