When I decided to attend the same school that my brother was already attending, I was unsure of what to expect. Many people said that they would never attend the same college as their sibling, which made me feel slightly hesitant about my decision. Nonetheless, I knew that I had chosen the right college, so I figured that attending college with my brother would be worth the risk. Two years later, I have realized that it has many more benefits than drawbacks. Living in the same building as my brother and sharing many of our friends has been an interesting experience, but it is one that I would not trade. Here are eight perks of attending the same college as your sibling:
1. You always have someone to steal food from.
Your friends may get annoyed if you constantly mooch food off of them, but your sibling basically has a legal obligation to share food with you. If you run out of granola bars or simply want some Pop-Tarts, your sibling is just a short walk away.
2. You have more to bond over when you come home.
When you go home for a break or just for a weekend, you have a lot to talk to each other about. Whether you discuss current events on campus or the crazy thing that happened to a friend last weekend, there's always something for you two to bond over.
3. He or she can show you the ropes at school (or if you're older, you can show your sibling).
If your sibling is older and knows everything about the school already, he or she will show you where your classes are, the best food places on campus, and the best places to study. Also, he or she may introduce you to some great student organizations to get involved with and help ease your transition into college overall.
4. You have double the friends.
If the two of you ever spend time with each other, your friends will slowly become your siblings' friends and vice versa. You can never have too many friends in college, and by having a sibling attending the same college, you get to know so many great people.
5. If something of yours breaks, you always have a backup from your sibling.
If you have a faulty appliance in your room, you can always use your sibling's and know that he or she won't be bothered by you using it. You've shared things with each other for your whole lives, so it's nothing new or weird.
6. You always have a part of your family with you.
The independence you get in college that comes with being away from your family is liberating, but it can make you miss the crazy group of people you've spent 18 years with. When your sibling is at the same school as you, you still have your independence, but you also have a part of your family for when you feel homesick.
7. You always have someone to get food with.
Whether you want to go to the dining hall, order Chinese food, or get bagels at the cafe across the street, you know that he or she will always be down to grab food with you.
8. You become close friends with your sibling.
Before going to college, my brother and I fought all the time and could hardly stand to be around each other for more than 10 minutes at a time. Since we started going to the same school, we've become much better friends who not only tolerate each other, but actually enjoy each other's company. There's something about being in an unfamiliar place with a familiar person that brings two people closer together. Sure, your sibling may drive you crazy at home, but when you're both experiencing something new together, you really have no choice but to get along and appreciate the time you get to spend with each other. Having a member of your family with you at college makes for a much different experience, but it is still a great one.