There are many names for that dreaded time: the time of the month, your lady flow, your monthly gift, Mother Nature's present, the blood waterfall, the dot. Whatever you call it, periods suck. There's no doubt about it, no matter what your flow is. Ever since that fateful day when you spotted a blot of blood in your underwear, it has been a curse bestowed upon you month after month. Even though years of dealing with periods have taught us the best ways to deal with our monthly woes, we still dread getting our period. Here are some universal things us period-havers know to be true.
1. Cravings can strike at any time
This lil fish knew what he was about. Chocolate cravings are real during that time of the month. Other cravings happen, too. Just give me all of the food.
2. Cramps are the worst
And no, random guy, eating a banana doesn't help. Just let me curl up with Advil and a heating pad and cry.
3. Mood swings
From crying over nothing to getting irritated at the smallest of things, it gets confusing when you don't even know why you're upset. (Side note: When a woman is mad, do not ask her if she's on her period. It's just rude and invalidates her feelings/anger. Sometimes women are mad for legitimate reasons.)
4. Leakage paranoia
"Um... Can you check my butt for bloodstains? I'm worried I leaked through." It's girl code to check any girl for leakage if they ask. And to tell them if they don't notice. It's every girl's worst nightmare to leak through while wearing white pants.
5. Waiting to pee while wearing tampon
Maybe this is just me, but I hate having to change my tampon every time I need to use the restroom. It's a pain.
6. Many men are grossed out by the mere mention of anything period-related
Periods shouldn't be such a taboo subject. About half of the population has dealt with periods. It's just a fact of life for many of us.
7. Getting up after lying down for a while
Yikes is all I'm going to say.