Throughout high school, I was heavily involved in both theater and dance. Because I went to a math and science school, the performing arts department struggled with proving its importance. Dance and theater not only provided me with an environment to express myself but challenged me. Having a strong foundation in the performing arts changed my life. It brought me out of my comfort zone. Although I am no longer involved, I use the lessons I learned every single day.
Theater strengthened my confidence in communicating my ideas regardless of the environment. After performing monologues in front of large crowds, participating in a college classroom discussion, giving a speech in “COM101”, or presenting projects for various classrooms did not seem as daunting.
No matter how many times did a performance for dance of theater, I was always nervous before going onstage. Nerves are just part of it. You learn how to perform under pressure. No matter what goes wrong onstage you are trained to continue. Even if the music stops mid-dance you continue. Even if the people onstage forget all of their lines, you continue. Even if you fall straight on your face, you get up and you continue.
I’ve developed a thick skin because of it. I’ve learned how to work through stress and nerves. Every time I’ve had a job interview, or have had to work through stressful situations in life, my performing arts background has helped me pull through.
The performing arts prepared me in ways I never expected. I will be forever grateful.