Perfection. You? Could it be? I don’t know. When you think of perfection what do you think of? Someone who has the so called “perfect” life with no problems, no things to worry about. Someone who is so beautiful she has absolutely no flaws in her looks. Those handsome men you just think woah is he actually human. The perfect job. The perfect home. The perfect teeth. The perfect money. The perfect family. The perfect girlfriend, boyfriend. The perfect body. The perfect athlete. The perfect smile. The perfect hair. The perfect eyes. The perfect smarts. The perfect personality. The perfect sleep environment. The perfect car. The perfect butt. The perfect skin. The perfect shoes. The perfect clothes. The perfect relationship with everyone. Everyone loves you. You have no enemies. The perfect love. The perfect touch. The perfect heart. The perfect mind. The perfect life. The perfect anything. Whatever you think of you can put perfect in front of it.
The definition of perfection states: the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects. As faultless as possible. Practice makes perfect. I have heard this saying many times throughout my life. I still ask myself. Does practice really make you perfect though? Shouldn’t we strive for progress not perfection? Everyone is perfect in their own way. In their own way. Trying to be someone you are not won’t work because you are you. Wishing and dreaming of a different life. You were given that life for a reason. Take what you have and roll with it. You, it, he she, they, those things, we, them, us, that. Make those perfect for you. Everyone and even everything has flaws but we must not dwell on those flaws and let them take over us. Sometimes perfection is not attainable. But, if we choose perfection, we can catch excellence. We are born. We can’t control what we are going to look like. We can control how we act or feel. But what we look like when we’re born we can’t. You know growing up and still now I have not always been the prettiest, the smartest, had the perfect body, or whatever else I’m not. For some reason in society today those are expectations. Do I dwell on it? Yea actually sometimes I did and still do, because you look at other people and you’re like wow compared to me. Look at them. Look at their life. The problem is sometimes I don’t even know them. So how could I say that? But you know who I am. I am me and that’s all I can be. It’s my life I am living, not anyone else’s. There are things in my life I can’t control, but I still love it. Life is about so much more than what you look like. How you feel about yourself is where it starts.
If you’re lost and insecure, find yourself. Love yourself. Be all you can be and don’t look at someone else and say you wish, because you yourself are perfect and you don’t even know it. Many people are so insecure themselves, including me sometimes, but you shouldn’t be. This is the time in your life where you just find happiness and have fun, be serious when you need to be, and live. There are so many things in life where perfect is so hard to achieve. We are not perfect, we are learning. That’s the beauty in our specific journey. In this day and age I notice that a lot of things revolve around how you look. And don’t get me wrong, beauty is beauty and I love looking at it. I’m not taking anything away from that. I have learned that you have to accept yourself for who you are. If you want to prove something to someone else do it, but prove to yourself first. Tell yourself you are beautiful because hey guess what I am and you are too. Not for anyone else. For you. I am human. I am real. You are human. You are real. If people don’t accept you for who you are or how you look. Who cares. Move on. You’re great. Judge me only when you are perfect. We don’t know what’s going on in everyone’s lives. Some people have it so hard I think, how could I be so concerned about this kind of stuff when other people are on the edge of living and dying. You see that’s the thing. People are the way they are for reasons. We are who we are for reasons. Overcome those insecurities you have of yourself whether they are the slightest things or if they take over you. If not then you will spend your life in a dream that you can’t escape from. Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud. Make it the other way around. Insecurity reigns in the ugly heart of an empty brain. But guys we are human. We are all going to have insecurities. That’s our job where we accept them and move on. I am constantly afraid that I’m not good enough and I am not the only one who thinks this way. But I say to you, you are good enough. You will always be good enough. You don’t have to show it to know it. Don’t let anyone ever tell you you are not good enough. Beauty can mean whatever you want it to, but a fact of beauty will always be that a part of it comes from within you. Sometimes we don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are. You know I try not to put all of my feelings out there to everyone, and I don’t. I don’t think it’s everyone’s business, but sometimes people need to see or hear in order to understand. Keeping a lot of things to yourself just because you want to. Sometimes it’s a good thing and sometimes it’s opposite. Be your own right hand and your go to. You’re not human if you have no feelings.
So perfection. You? Could it be? I still don’t know. But you know what I’m saying to you. I’m saying you’re perfect. When you think of perfection what do you think of? Have a perfect day everyone. Smile, do whatever you want. You can find happiness in anything. Simple perfection. Welcome to the journey. Nobody is going to drag me down. I am flawless.