We always have these expectations of what we think life should be like, but when it doesn’t turn out to be the way we want it to be, we blame everything and anything but ourselves.
We do not correlate our expectations to the things that don’t work out in the long run.
We are too prideful. We have a set way of thinking on how people should act and be and how situations in our life should be handled, but we never take into account that life is a game full of mystery and questions we will never know the answers to.
We hold our loved ones to such high expectations to how they should act towards us and towards the things we face in life, but when if they somehow have a slightly different outlook, whether positive or negative, on something you had a set opinion on, we blame them and assume them to not understand the situation fully or are just completely wrong.
How does that make us right, or better yet, how does that make us any different from the chaotic assembly of mindless zombies that are too involved in their own pride to see the life that exists out of their own little make-shift reality?
We need to accept people for their differences.
We need to accept people for their perspectives.
We need to learn to respect people for their perspectives.
Stop holding people to such high expectations.
Stop letting negative energies control your thoughts and provoke hate and dissapproval.
Surround yourself with the positive energies and vibes that you wish others carried in their hearts and minds.
Do not practice this mindset if you are not committed to influence others with your newly formed Ohm attitude.
Do not use this newly found and enlightened power to feed your own form of greed.
Be the good you want to see in others.
Be the good you want to see in yourself.