As the elections are upon us I cannot help but become more and more nervous about our current political situation. In an election that clearly leaves us all as the biggest losers, I know for myself, that the uncertainty and fear are definitely affecting my emotions and my sense of security. I don’t watch the news because I feel that non-biased, non-partisan news does not exist any longer. I don’t want to hear opinions and bear witness to perpetual mud slinging. I want facts, unemotional, non sensationalized facts.
For me, a perfect world would be one in which politicians would work together to compromise on issues. Today a fiscal win for conservatives, tomorrow a social win for democrats, a give and take. In a perfect world, campaigns would not be the ridiculously expensive circus shows that they are. They wouldn’t leave presidential, congressional, and senate candidates owing favors to every lobby from pharmaceuticals to gun manufacturers. They would truly be the voice of their constituents, not the voice of their loan sharks.
In a perfect world, we would still be that proud country that was forward thinking and innovative, inclusive and accepting. No, there is no perfect country, but don’t we know enough about history, don’t we see enough of what goes on in the world where blind prejudices, extremist attitudes, and self serving agendas have been the destruction of nations and civilizations?
When I was young, I was taught the golden rule. I was taught empathy, sympathy, and selflessness. I was taught that I do not exist alone in the world therefore; my thoughts and actions were never going to happen in a vaccum. There would always be someone that would be affected negatively or positively by my choices. If we were taught these values as children, why now do we struggle to uphold them? Why do allow our politicians to NOT uphold them? This is not about religion, race, gender, sexuality nor social/economic status. This is about what this country was founded on. The idea that you could come here and be free from persecution and make something of yourself through hard work, perseverance and the need to survive and thrive.
Essentially we all want the same things. We want to have a job so that we can provide for our families and ourselves. We want healthcare that is truly affordable. We want a roof over our heads, food in our homes, and for our children to receive a good education so that they may someday prosper on their own. We want to be safe so that we may live our lives, raise our families, and do our jobs. These are all very basic things, things that are not exclusively democratic nor republican.
When I stand to salute the flag each morning, when I go to a sporting event and listen to the Star Spangled Banner, I get chills. I feel pride and sadness in equal parts. My longing to see a better country than the one we have made for ourselves is genuine and heart felt. Sadly, with the elections only days away, I feel that it will all just be an unattainable dream.
I will be at the polls on November 8th, it is a right that was granted on the blood shed of many brave men and women. I will then go home and read a book, go to bed and wait to see what the new day brings.