Have you ever experienced a feeling that you couldn't quite describe - something so strong - but you lacked the right words to express it? This list contains the perfect lexicon for that exact emotion you felt; read and be satisfied.
1. Apricity
The warmth of the sun in winter; or when you walk outside from a freezing classroom to defrost in the Florida sun.
2. Meraki
To do something with so much love, passion, and creativity that you embed a piece of yourself within your work.
3. Hygge
The warm, fuzzy feeling of contentment when you are enjoying life with friends; like sitting around a campfire talking aimlessly surrounded by friends.
4. Nepenthe
Something that takes away or allows you to forget your sorrow and pain; a distraction from grief.
5. Zemblanity
The exact opposite of serendipity; an unintentionally unavoidable truth.
8. Chrysalism
The feeling of safety and awe when being indoors during a thunderstorm.
9. Nighthawk
Those recurring thoughts and regrets that flood your mind at night, denying you sleep.
10. Anemoia
Nostalgia for a period of time you did not live through, like a wistfulness for '50s diners or sepia-soaked photographs from the 1800's.
11. Vellichor
The distinct smell and atmosphere of a book store; that magical feeling you get when you enter a Barnes & Noble.
12. Milieu
The atmosphere, environment, or setting of a place, either emotionally or physically.
16. Petrichor
The scent of rain; the smell of rain on hot pavement or earthy tones from a sun shower.
17. Absquatulate
To leave without a goodbye; to simply get up and disappear, leaving your absence felt, but not heard.
24. Panacea
The solution to all problems; the answer to world hunger, epidemics, and inequality.
29. Silvicultrix
Existing in a forest; from raccoons to oak trees and everything in between.
30. Selcouth
Something that is odd or strange, but equally awe-inspiring and marvelous.
33. Abjure
To intentionally and seriously renounce something or someone.
34. Mesonoxian
Pertaining to or dealing with the midnight hour; like waiting for the clock to strike twelve on New Year's Eve.
38. Heimat
A place you can call home not because it is your home, but because it is filled with a sense of acceptance and belonging.
40. Blinkered
Close-minded; unwilling to see from another's perspective or to walk in their shoes.
42. Ubuntu
The belief that we, as humans, are defined by the kindness and compassion we choose to give to others; gifting grace.
Impress your boss and professor with these unique words or use them in your writing! After all, you have 42 to choose from!