On December 7th, NBC performed and aired Hairspray: Live! The show starred Maddie Baillio, Ariana Grande, Kristin Chenoweth, Derek Hough, Jennifer Hudson, Harvey Fierstein and more, and was able to reach millions of viewers around the United States. Following NBC's The Wiz, Hairspray had a lot to live up to, but NBC could not have picked a better musical for the issues facing the United States today. Here are 5 moments in Hairspray: Live that prove just that.
5. Body Image
Tracy, the main protagonist, is an overweight teenager, even calling herself a "heavyweight champion" during one song. But, she accepts that that's who she is, and she is comfortable in her body. Despite being laughed at and teased for her weight, Tracy still goes on to dance on the Corny Collins Show, and becomes a fan favorite immediately. It's so, so important to show that your body type is not the final deciding factor of what you can and can't do in life, especially when media is idealizing a certain body shape. Not to mention Jennifer Hudson's rendition of "Big, Blond, and Beautiful."
4. Strong Female Leads
From Tracy to Motormouth Maybelle to Edna, Hairspray is full of strong female characters. These women (and one man dressed in drag, but that's besides the point) are able to show young girls and women who are watching that it's ok to have feelings and to want to take action. It's ok to stand up for yourself, even when others won't.
3. Attention to Racism
2. "You Can't Stop the Beat"
This upbeat number is one that brings joy to everyone. You just want to get up and dance! This closing songs also brings a renewed source of hope at the end of a show that focuses on positivity and moving forward, as well as the acceptance of people of every size and color.
1. "I Know Where I've Been"
Jennifer Hudson's rendition of "I Know Where I've Been" moved many, including many of the actors in the scene, to tears. With all of the craziness happening in the U.S. today, this song spoke to many people watching. Please listen if you have not heard it yet.