If you are struggling to find a career suited for you or just interested in discovering your potential, try these free tools. How do your results compare to mine? Set some time aside, and take these tests to find out! Remember that, ultimately, you must decide your career. No test can do that for you!
1. Pymetrics

This site is really unique because you can play neuroscience-backed games to discover a career suited for you! Once you have finished the games, Pymetrics will provide you with your top traits and top careers. If you're on the go, you can download the Pymetrics app.
My top two traits are learning from mistakes well and learning from reward. My top 3 careers are human resources and recruiting, data science, and bioengineering.
2. Clarity on Fire - Passion Profile Quiz

Find how your passion relates to your career with this 11-question assessment. This tool places you in one of four categories: Firestarter, Tribe Member, Side Hustler, and Thriver.
I am a Firestarter. As a firestarter, I am attracted to freedom, creation, passion, independence, rebellion, leadership, and flexibility. Some of my natural attributes and strengths are that I am passionate, intrinsically motivated, and have a deep desire to create. Common drawbacks and challenges for this type are being multi-focused, being a perfectionist, and a possibility of burnout.
3. My Next Move - O*NET Interest Profile

Based on the Holland Career Code test, this test measures 6 categories of interest: realistic, building, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. My top three are investigative, artistic, and social. You can then select a job level based on your experience. This tool then provides you with careers that may be suited for you. Unsurprisingly, various psychology jobs were suggested for me.
4. MAPP Assessment

The Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential assessment is composed of 71 items which gauge your preferences. Each question gives you three options, and you choose your most and least preferred one. The test provides you with a sample of each of the 9 categories. For more information about results, you can check the reference guide for MAPP. This test also provides you with some of your top 20 career choices. Below are my results.
Interest in Job Contents: Abstract, innovative, and creative activities
Temperament for the Job: Intuition, creativity: ideas, concepts, and options
Aptitude for the Job: Mental/sensory awareness of the "big picture"
People: Mentor: size up people, personalities, motives
Things: Manipulate: physically manage material processes
Data: Synthesize: holistic, conceptual, strategic thinking
Reasoning: Holistic concepts, meaning, options, strategies
Mathematical Capacity: Research: innovative, experimental use of math
Language Capacity: Creative literary, communicative ability
5. Sokanu
This 20-minute test assesses your interest, personality, and preferences. Along with your top career matches, Sokanu provides you with an archetype, trait, and personality profile. The archetype profile is largely based on the same categories used by the Holland Career Code test. The personality profile is based on high-level and fine-grained traits.
My top career matches were author, journalist, and news anchor. My archetype profile says I am a philosopher because my strongest trait is Artistic and my second strongest is Investigative. My top two high-level traits are practical intelligence and conscientiousness. My top two fine-grained traits are innovation and analytical thinking.