Procrastination. We all do it! Vandy students, myself included, like to put off our work for as long as possible until we come to the
point of an all-nighter, and complain about how much work we have
and how our professors are out to get us. With everyone being so busy and
ambitious here, you would think procrastination would not be so prevalent
on this campus.
I have this
theory that we are just intelligent and therefore have ways of procrastinating
that present as “real work.” I consider myself an expert
in the art of procrastination, and have found that there are many ways to
procrastinate that still give the illusion of work and productivity. Here are
some of my favorite methods. Enjoy!
1. Do laundry. While no one likes doing laundry, it
is certainly better than doing homework. Doing laundry allows you to put off
your work, but still feel productive.
2. Watch an episode on Netflix after you complete
each assignment. Alternating between work and Netflix allows you to take mental
breaks. It also serves as a great motivator to get your stuff done fast!
3. Check all forms of social media. You can kill a
solid 20 minutes on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can tell yourself
that it is just as important to know what is going on in the real world, as it
is to know about quantum physics and other snooze worthy topics.
4. Play a game like Candy Crush or 2048. You can
justify it because these games help improve your strategic and spatial
5. Make some food. Your brain clearly needs fuel in
order to do homework and retain the information, so take a study break to both
prepare and eat your food.
6. Call your mom. I am sure she misses you and would
want to hear all about your day. You can stretch out the conversation as long
as you want!
7. Take some quizzes on BuzzFeed. Once BuzzFeed
tells you which Disney princess you are, you will be more in touch with
yourself and better prepared to deal with your work.
8. Go workout! The endorphins will wake up your
brain and help with your work. Or it will make you so tired that you need a nap
(see #10).
9. Laying on your bed and trying to figure out your
life. This is also a viable option that provokes just as much agony and stress as
10. My personal favorite -- take a nap. You are
so tired your brain cannot function and do quality work. Therefore, you need a
nap, for the sake of the quality of your work, of course.
Bonus: You can always read the articles of the talented Odyssey staff that come out each week! Like I said, I know I have a lot of fellow experts out there
on this campus, so feel free to share your tactics so that we may all perfect
this beautiful art. Then we can all live in a perfect world where we can put
off our work without feeling completely worthless.