Noticing the the intricate designs
The beauty in everlasting simplicity
Right there
Perfect stood oh so beautifully
No error
No mistake
Everything I had ever thought or seen was gone
Only perfect danced throughout my head
Northern lights for eyes
Red roses for hair
Everything was unseen and untold upon my wildest dreams
In the moment of witnessing I heard peace and in the moment of silence I felt serenity
Right across from me
Stood a girl by the name perfect
She didn't want to know her name
She never wanted to
She didn't want to accept it
Even though the name was fitting
She did not want to believe it was hers
Her perfection was not something to neglect
But rather something to reflect upon her greater beauty that lied within her greater self
I thought more than perfection
I thought better than the best better than what is
Seeing what I thought was unimaginable gave hope
Seeing what was far beyond perfect let me believe
Because on that day
That very special day
I met a girl who will forever take my breath away