Settling in life might sound like the easy option, but it's going to hurt you more than help you in the long run. This is a pep talk for all of you guys who always just seem to settle for things in life. If you're sick of always getting second best or you want to make a positive change in your life then keep reading...
First off, you deserve better than second best. Don't always settle on things to make other people's lives better. Sometimes you just got to do something for yourself. Do this one thing for yourself and do not feel guilty about it. Don't let people walk all over you and prevent you from seeking the career path or the life that you really want. This is your life and only you should be the one who decides how you live it. Don't ever let someone tell you that you are not good enough to do something. You can do absolutely anything that you put your mind to. You are the best you that there is. There is only one of you and you choose the path you take in life.
If you settle you might miss out on what you really wanted in the first place, or something even better. I think that settling with relationships is especially harmful. If you stay with someone because you are afraid you won't find what you're looking for in someone else then the relationship is already doomed anyways. It might be scary to let go of something that you liked in the beginning but if it isn't working out anymore you need to accept it and let it go. Don't tie yourself down to someone you can't stand because you think they're your only hope for love. Trust me, you need to give yourself some more credit. If you don't take any risks in life then nothing amazing will ever happen.
Love yourself unconditionally, please. Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are normal. You just have to pick yourself up and try things differently next time. You live and you learn. It might seem like the end of the world right now but things will get better with time. If you tried then you can't beat yourself up about it. Some things are out of your control and you just need to accept the things you cannot change in life. But if you cant accept it, then maybe it is something worth trying to change. Learn how to pick your battles. Not everything is worth a fight. Sometimes, but only sometimes, It is in your best interest to settle. Just please don't make it a habit.
YOU ARE AMAZING and please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You deserve the best in life and thanks for reading (: