Hey you!
Life gets hard and I constantly have to remind myself why I keep going. Why do I do what I do? I wrote a note a while ago reminding myself whenever I’m upset why I keep going. It's a new year. 2017 is going to be one for the books. Thank you Kid President for constantly inspiring me to create fun content that makes other’s feel loved. You gave me an idea; so, here's a pep talk, from me to you.
Do you ever feel like you aren’t living life to the fullest? Same dude, same. This is a letter for every single person. The world is meant to be lived in. The broken hearted, people living with full hearts, and the struggling kid who is picked on at the playground. This is your pep talk.
This world is meant to be filled with love. It is a huge place, ya know, the world. It's pretty darn big. For a while there we thought it was flat; but it's a huge, huge circle in space. Isn’t that wild? Well, the world is pretty big and it has so many people in it. I want to be a part of a world that screams awesome. I want to be part of something where people have a reason to sing, dance, and laugh till they snort. I want people to feel like the world is here for a reason.
We live in a society that doesn’t really embrace how awesome our lives are. We could make every day awesome by just smiling at someone else. Put your phone down! Look up when you walk around your school or work. Smile at people. That is much more important than seeing what a celebrity tweets on Twitter. There are people walking around that are having a terrible day. Some people may want this day to be their last day. Make them want this day to be the first day they start living life out loud!
That's something we need to talk about, living life and love out loud. Live life full. Laugh till you cry or snort. Sing on the top of your lungs with all the windows down. Add every follower request you get on Instagram because they probably want to see how you live life out loud; unless they are creepy or a random stranger. Don’t add them. Stranger danger.
Take selfies with strangers that look like they are having a bad day. Again, stranger danger. Be smart dudes. Go to church, a concert, or a club and share all your brilliant ideas that you are too scared to say out loud. Read a book and write a letter to the author. Invite yourself over to someones party you want to go. What's the worst thing that happens? They say no. Live every day as if you don’t know what's to come next. Throw away your phone for a day (not actually throw away), just leave it next to the charger for the day.
You deserve to live this life happily. Life isn’t easy. There are some super tough things that happen in people's lives, but you've got to keep going. If Bob Goff didn’t have a Randy, I sure wonder if he ever would have considered writing "Love Does" or becoming a lawyer. Wait, without Randy, he wouldn’t have even went back to high school. Be someone’s Randy. If you have no idea what I’m saying, first off go read the book. Be someone that reaches out to someone that is lost. Be the person that gets someone to laugh on a bad day. Be friends with people who are scared to sit alone or don’t have someone to play with on the play ground.
You deserve to find your happy place. Find somewhere you feel loved and important. You are important and so loved. Close your eyes and listen. Hear people's passions. Close your mouth and just listen. They are passionate about something. They are capable of loving. You are capable of loving. Love laughing with people. Share moments with people at 2 a.m. because they just want to talk to you. Learn a rap to "Hamilton" just to share love with someone. Love isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard!
Spreading joy is a choice. Choosing joy is putting your emotions aside to make someones day wonderful. Living a life of love is magical. You constantly notice who needs love and reach out. It isn’t a chore or a task. It’s a pretty darn great choice. It’s a choice you always make because you are ready. You are ready to share love. That’s what makes the world awesome. People who wear awesome hidden for no one to see, not the people that have awesome on the back of a t-shirt!
This is your time to make a change. It starts the minute you choose to change; right now. You may be thinking you have it all together, but there is always something to change. Quit something. Quit something you hate doing. Quit something that brings you sadness. Don’t be a quitter, but loose the cape. Loose the negativity or social status that makes you “too cool.” Too cool cards are meant to be ripped up people! You don’t hold onto them.
This is your time. This is our time. What are you gonna choose?