So, life’s got the best of you. Every day seems longer, the homework is piling up, you just happen to encounter every rude customer in the world in one shift, it seems as though none of your efforts are reciprocated and every day just seems to be an endless cycle the same old things.
Yeah, I’ve definitely been there with you. What college student hasn’t? Some might call this a “rut." I, however, have recognized it to be something quite the opposite. When all seems to be going wrong in your life and you just can’t help but feel anything but hopeless, this is when you need to hold on the tightest. I say this because you are at the bottom of the hill right now, and life’s about to kick into high gear before you even realize it.
First of all, there will never be a point in your life where everything will be going “perfect." There will never come a point where you magically have the solution to every problem that comes your way, or where everything will be going as planned.
I know that doesn’t exactly give you any hope, but I can promise you that there absolutely will come a time where you will be able to handle things with grace and dignity.
There will come a time where you will have peace through tribulation in your life.
There will come a point where you can still find your joy even in the midst of trouble.
Let’s be real, you’ll always have something on your plate. But you’re going to know how to deal with it. You’re going to know how to push through and make the most of what you have. This kind of peace is built through the maturity that comes with perseverance, which comes from learning from experience. That experience I am talking about is whatever you are going through right now!
Instead of focusing on the negativity of the problems in front of you, seek to learn how to solve these problems.
This could apply to anything going on, whether it’s that you’re overwhelmed with school work or you really messed up with a friend. The important thing to remember is that there is always help around if you ask for it. Campuses are filled with mentors, tutors and counseling.
You will never get through any problem you have when your mental health is failing.
Being a college student is hard, and if you’re not getting any kind of guidance, it’d be weird if you weren’t going a little crazy! Ask for help, you aren’t expected to be able to do everything on your own just yet. You are still learning. You are taking an initiative to get an education. to create a future and value for yourself. You are doing something very great so pat yourself on the back for that.
Another important thing to remember is that regardless of what society has you believe, you absolutely do not have to please everyone around you. This is the time in your life where you are figuring things out for yourself. I know sometimes it feels like you feel like you have to please everyone, and disappointing others may feel like the worst case scenario for you. I am here to tell you that you don’t.
You’re not creating a life for everyone around you, you are creating a life for yourself.
Stay still and listen to God, He will lead you and take care of you. Never stop being kind to others and never stop giving to others, but don’t sacrifice yourself or deny your self-worth based on the opinion of another person.
You are doing fine.
No, you are doing great.
Things may not feel like they’re moving very fast right now, but they are just setting you up to learn. We’ll never learn how to handle anything in our lives if we never learn some way or another. Take joy during this time, because these trials are building perseverance. You will figure things out, things are going to work out for your good. Don’t lose courage or hope. You are not alone and you are not failing. You are simply learning.