I'm not sure if I look young or if teenagers today look old, but people always mistake me for being 12.
I get awkward questions, rude remarks, and I'm sure my boyfriend gets dirty looks when he holds my hand in public. I mean, I do look half my age after all. And as great as ordering off the children's menu and getting the "under 12" price is, all your questions about how young I look gets really get old. What questions am I talking about?
Oh, I'll tell you.
2. "Oh wow, I thought you were in high school!"
Yeah. I get that a lot. No, I go to a university.
3. "You don't understand. When you're my age, you'll get it."
You're, what, two years older than me? Stop.
4. "What would you like to drink? We have Pepsi products, raspberry lemonade, tea..."
Yeah, I'll have a black cherry moijto, thanks.
5. "Is this your real ID?"
Yes. Don't you dare clip that. I'll show you pictures from my 21st birthday if I have to. Or call my mom so she can tell you I'm really 21.
6. "How's your freshman year?"
Didn't we cover this? I'm not a freshman, in high schoolor college. I'm a fourth year. In college.
7. A person younger than me saying "I'm old."
You're literally younger than me. Please save me the pity party.
8. "Is your mom here? I need to talk to an adult."
No. I don't even live with my parents anymore. I am an adult. Take me seriously.
10. "One day you'll be thankful that you look young."
Yeah, you're right. I'm so thankful that I won't look like you when I'm your age. And I also know I will never ask a girl who looks younger any of these bogus questions you just hit me with. Thanks.