Whether you're in desperate need of a refreshing Slurpee, some late night salty snacks, or a pint of Ben and Jerry's, we've all run into some of these questionable people. Honestly, most of us have been these questionable people at least once. Convenience stores in a college town see a lot more action in ~scary hours~. Next time you waltz in those doors and smell the greasy taquitos and frozen Coke, look out for these five people you meet, especially if 7-11 is your version of heaven.
1. The hungry stoner
Nothing cures the munchies more than a wall of chips and candies to choose from. Catch this guy spending more than you do on a "fancy" night out. A college fancy dinner that is.
2. The emotional BFFS
A group of girls stare at the freezer while comforting their friend who just got dumped. They suggest every flavor of ice cream and end up leaving with Juul pods.
3. The overgenerous soccer mom
You're sure to see that one lady loading up on mini Slurpees for all of her son's teammates. If you live in a college town, you'll see the same thing, just a sorority girl treating her sisters, or maybe the frat brothers of her boyfriend.
4. The creepy worker trying to sell you the newest vape
Most of us know our local 7-11 employees by name, but once in a while you catch that weird guy on the night shift. Before asking what you're up to that night or flirting with your friend, he tries telling you about the "sick new mod" they're selling.
5. The girls in bar clothes buying fruity chasers for the two shots of vodka they'll take
The girls in crop tops in the back of the store contemplating buying pink lemonade over pineapple juice will be the same ones acting hammered after two sips of their diluted mixies. Look out for these girls and tell them to be safe tonight. Odds are they get denied at the bar anyways.
Steer clear of numbers 2 and 4, but the rest aren't so bad. I think we can all admit we've at least done one of these things, so next time you feel yourself fitting this description-don't stop, just embrace it. You're definitely entertaining people. My last words of advice are to make sure the Slurpee you want isn't liquid, and that the creepy guy doesn't follow you to your car.