" The Office" is by far the best series I have ever watched. It became my favorite show so quickly. Now, of course, I watch it any chance I get! I've noticed, though, that for some absurd reason, not everyone is as completely in love with the show as I am. So, for all you haters, here are three things I have to say to you (because arguing everyday about my favorite TV show has just gotten too tiring).
1. Have you ever even watched it?
Once you start, you can't stop. There is just no going back. If you would truly watch it, you would eventually find out what happens regarding Jim and Pam. You would also want to know whether or not Dwight's dream of being Regional Manager came true, which we hope not, because of course that would mean no more Michael. Speaking of Michael, we all have to keep up with his craziness. So, if you were clueless throughout reading this paragraph, keep your hate to yourself.
2. It's seriously hilarious.
Can you honestly tell me you don't think Jim's pranks on Dwight are funny? Or that each specific character has made your eyes water from laughing? I'm not sure about you guys, but I know that it takes a special something for me to watch a television show, much less one that is so whimsical. So, if even I can say this is funny, why wouldn't you try it? Between love affairs, pranks, and pure ignorance, which you can guarantee include no serious content, this series could easily be a favorite in your lives too.
3. If even after all this you still decide to not watch it, you do not affect me.
Although I would love nothing more than for you to get the same joy out of this show as I do, I do not care if you don't like it, don't watch it, hate it, or have any other negative feeling. It will still bring me great joy. I like it because it is awesome (Kevin's voice). Of course I wish we could sit and laugh together, but if not, I still have my Dunder Mifflin family and that is all I need! I do not get "me time" very often, but when I do, you know where to find me.