I hate hot weather. Like, I really REALLY hate it. While most other people (it seems) thrive and rejoice in the sunshine, I've found it's the so-called "dark and dreary" days of winter that make me come alive. If you're one of those (seemingly rare) people who detest summer and thrive in the spring, then you'll probably relate to at least some, if not all, of the following emotions/thoughts on a spiritual level.
1. You secretly hope the groundhog will see his shadow.Â
Okay, so maybe the whole idea of Groundhog Day is just a bunch of silliness and superstition. But seriously, if you love the cold as much as I do, you'll desperately cling to any shred of hope that winter will last just a bit longer – even if your only hope is a furry ground dweller.
2. While others rejoice at the dawn of spring weather, you "welcome" it with despair.
Oh, the number of times I've heard someone say, "Isn't this warm weather we've been having so amazing?!" To which I can only respond meekly, "Actually, I'm more of a cold weather person," then proceed to hang my head in shame at my own words. Yes, I find the spring aesthetic beautiful, but the weather is much too warm for my taste.
3. You dress like it's the dead of winter in the middle of August.
These were my roommate's exact words to me the other day when I dressed in leggings and a sweater. Yes, I know I'll be roasted alive while wearing these clothes in 80-degree weather. But part of winter's appeal to me is the clothing choices. I'll take sweatshirts and beanies over shorts and tank tops any day.
4. When a brief day of cool weather breaks up the summer heat, you come alive.
Just the other night, I stepped outside expecting to be swallowed up by oppressive, sticky heat, only to find myself shivering and saying, "Oh, it's cold." When the weight of my words fully dawned on me, I exclaimed excitedly, "It's COLD!!!" After months of wallowing in the misery of the heat, I found myself feeling lighter and more refreshed than I had in a long time.
5. On the flip side, summer leaves you feeling dead inside.
No, this heat and sun isn't revitalizing and energizing me. It's only making me cranky and exhausted. End of story.
6. Your dream home is somewhere that's cold year-round.
Alaska, anyone? You're open to living pretty much anywhere, as long as the temperatures are chilly to moderate throughout the year. Other excellent choices include Iceland, Greenland, Canada, or maybe even Antarctica (okay, maybe that's a bit extreme, but still).
7. Your other option is to live in the Northern Hemisphere for half the year, and in the Southern Hemisphere for the other half.
I've always wanted to visit Australia and New Zealand. And since the seasons there are on a different timeline than in the North, why not make one of these countries my home when spring and summer roll around in the Northern Hemisphere?
8. You probably don't have much of a tan, if any at all.
It's not that you aren't able to tan. Goodness knows I brown after just a day wearing shorts and a t-shirt out in the sun. But your aversion to the heat leads you to seek out anyplace that's cold: usually, the inside of an air-conditioned building where getting a natural tan is impossible.
9. You legitimately don't understand how anyone is able to look decent on a 90-degree day.
Seriously, my hair turns frizzy after just five minutes of being outside during the summer, and I'm soon enveloped by a sticky layer of sweat that leaves my clothes clinging to me. All of my efforts to look cute and presentable fly out the window almost the moment I set foot outside into the jaws of heat and misery.