I'll start off by confessing that I have seen the first two seasons of "Game of Thrones" and a new episode here or there, but for the most part I've forgotten most of what happens and get most of my knowledge of the series from overhearing others discuss it. I'll second that by admitting, yes, it is a great show and at some point I will try to finish it.
Before I continue, I will also mention that THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS so if you're on season 1 or 2 or are for some reason waiting until the series finale to start watching, DO NOT CONTINUE (If you can't tell, I have had too many shows and movies spoiled for me within the past year).
It seems that "Game of Thrones" is so popular and talked about that even if you don’t watch the show consistently, you have friends or family who won't shut up about it, so you inevitably know what’s going on. Keep reading for a list of what people who don't watch "Game of Thrones" know about the show.
1. The opening sequence is cool and has a catchy song.
2. It’s about these families (tribes? groups?) fighting to take the throne.
3. There’s a lot of nudity and sex.
4. There’s a mean queen who sleeps with her brother.
5. The boy king is a huge jerk.
6. There’s a badass young girl who fights and stuff.
7. There’s another queen who is also a badass and super attractive and has dragons.
8. There's some crazy twist every week.
9. Like when some important guy died in the first season.
10. And another guy named Jon Snow is dead. AH! This was a big deal.
11. But maybe he's not dead?
12. Something about hold the door (this was a recent event and very sad).
13. Basically, the show wins a lot of awards and everyone is obsessed with it, so I should probably watch it.
Which is what I’m about to go do.