It is a new semester and that means it is another chance to make it a great one. No matter what, there are always going to be some toxic people that will bring you down. So, here are a few people to avoid in college:
1. Gossip girl or guy.
This person wants to talk about any and every thing. He or she usually has nothing nice to say and just do not know when to stop talking. Do not let that individual drag you into drama that does not involve you.
2. The Whiner.
This person complains all the time about stuff that is his or her fault. Try not to get too involved with this person because eventually it becomes your responsibility to fix the problems and it is your fault if anything goes wrong.
3. "It was the professor, not me!"
This individual blames the professor for everything. The professor is just unfair and absolutely hates them. NO! The truth is you just did not do the work and you are mad because you got a zero. Leave this person alone and try to limit your contact with him or her.
4. The person who never does the homework.Â
The homework is never done and they never have the notes. Do not become a source for this person. It is okay to say no.
5. The "just do it tomorrow" person.Â
This person procrastinates a lot and expects you to do the same. They don't want to do "nothing" alone, but you cannot afford to join them.
6. The "can you cover for me?" person.Â
This person is always skipping or disappearing and expecting you to cover for them. Just do not do it.
7. The "I'm sorry, but not really" person.Â
This is the fake friend. He or she will treat you like dirt, use you, and give you a fake apology. You were never a friend to them, but just an object for them to use.
Push these toxic people out of your life. Do not allow them to bring you down. Make 2019 great!