Have you ever had a time when a person thinks that they know you? They say stuff about you, yet they've never even spoken to you? Or if they have spoken to you, it has been a long time since? You hear all these rumors about yourself, and you find out all these stories of things you supposedly did and your response is, "OK, when did I do this?"
Attending a private college has a lot of perks, but it can also have some downfalls. You meet a lot of really good people, and you practically know everyone. With that being said, you have to remember everyone practically knows you. You make a lot of friends, whether it be from having the same classes, a campus event or even a party. But that isn't where it ends. Your department for your major is like your family in college. You laugh together, cry together, you even fight with one another. But you have to remember that you see these people every day. It can be really hard to distinguish between your true friends and your department family. Sometimes, they can be both. Your department family is like one person. So if something happens, everyone in that department will know about it, just like how it would be with your real family. So choose what you want to be known about you and what you do not.
So here is what I say to the people who think they know you:
Thank you. You really have kept my life entertaining. Sometimes I can't help but laugh at some of the stories you come up with. Other times, the stories just suck. And with all that, you've taught me so much about whom I want to be seen as and who I actually want to be, whom I definitely don't want to be seen as and who I actually am. It amazes me that people can take time out of their day to spread a story about you, rather than confronting the source for the truth or just worrying about yourself. Have you ever heard of the phrase "assuming just makes an ass out of u and me?"
I also want to say something to everyone that this has happened to.
Don't feel like you are being victimized. Don't believe what these people are saying about you is true, unless it is of course. Keep your chin up and your head held strong. Focus on why you are at college. Focus on what you want to do with your life. The best response is actually no response at all. You know the truth, and so do your true friends. I know sometimes you can feel isolated and alone, but that's OK. Take some time for yourself. I also know sometimes what other people say can hurt, but don't do the same thing they are doing to you. Remember, sadly, this stuff happens to everyone. Be the better person. Also, we are young adults. Not in kindergarden. Believe in yourself and be true.