One thing I have noticed about going to a huge state college and that somehow, some way, I always see the same people on campus all the time. Usually, they are the exact people I don't want to see. How does this happen? There are 36,000 other people here...Honestly.
Whether you go to a small private college or a big state school, here are 10 people you will always see on campus, whether you want to or not.
1. The girl who ditched you for no reason freshman year.
I'm not mad. But please don't look at me.
2. That weird kid from your freshman year dorm who always was way too clingy.
No, I'm not interested in going out to lunch with you, I haven't spoken to you in two years.
3. The Tinder date gone wrong.
Did he ghost you? Was it awkward? Did he beg for sex? Of course you'll see him around, and probably on the day that you look like you got hit by a bus.
4. The member of that one group project who was a complete Nazi.
We get it. You wanted an A. Now go be Hitler in someone else's group.
5. The TA who never seemed to answer your emails.
Well, now that I know you're alive, are you interested in HELPING ME?!
6. The guy friend who decided to make things awkward by having a crush on you.
I'm not interested and somehow that makes me the bad guy? Ok, dude.
7. The guy you made out with while drunk at a frat party.
He was cute...After like three drinks.
8. That sorority girl who you always seems to have a class with you and annoys the crap out of you.
Nobody cares what guy you slept with this weekend or how great your new manicure is, Mikayla. Truly.
9. The girl who seems to have every class with you and always has to raise her hand for every question the professor asks.
Do you think someone else can speak or...?