During this whole election, I have tried to keep my opinions to myself. I don't like when people put all of their opinions on Facebook and decide that they don't want to defend their opinions. They are, in fact, opinions and can be argued upon. When I learned that people were arguing that we should repeal the 19th Amendment, I thought, this has to be a joke. I was wrong.
There are men and women out there who want to repeal the 19th Amendment because if women are allowed to vote, Donald Trump will lose the presidency. This is lunacy! Women are trying to take other women's rights away. I am absolutely disgusted. Do they not understand that without the 19th Amendment, they will no longer be "free". They will once again become property and not be able to freely give an opinion.
Women worked hard to get the right to vote. How can a woman decide that all of the hard work wasn't worth it just to elect a man who does not care about women or their rights. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony are rolling over in their graves right now because of how stupid these women are being. These women were ridiculed and laughed at for trying to give women more rights. Not long ago, women were still expected to stay home and take care of children. Do these Donald Trump supporters want that too? Do they really want to stay home all day with their children or force women who want careers to do so? How is this even happening?
Without Stanton and Anthony, I, a woman, would not be allowed to write this. I would not be allowed to attend college. I would not be allowed to have the choice to a career. I would not be allowed freedom. The woman who are supporting repeal the 19th amendment are trying to ruin their own lives. I don't think they understand the repercussions to their actions and words; which by the way, they wouldn't be able to express without the 19th Amendment.
I am a woman and I will fight for my rights. When women start turning against each other, the bond breaks and that is when the real tragedy starts to happen.