Being a people pleaser is absolutely exhausting. The act of doing something in order to make another person feel the tiniest bit more comfortable at your own expense sounds like a situation to be avoided, yet there are times where I go above and beyond in order to make another’s life a little bit easier.
If you think about it, the only person that you need to please is yourself. Being misaligned is possibly one of the worst feelings, and if you are working so hard to complete tasks for others, how is that serving you?
It is much easier said than done. It requires a rewiring of the brain. The first answer my mind jumps to is, “yes.” I want to help people out. I want to be someone that another person can count on. But how can I do that if I am not even able to stand up for myself?
Saying no is a skill. Putting yourself and your wants, needs, and feelings is necessary to simply feeling good. You are not expected to do everything, people are not mad at you for saying no. In fact, people are too busy thinking about themselves and their own perceived shortcomings. We are all just doing our best.