That's who I am. That's who a lot of us are. We like to please others. We think it makes the world just a little bit better, until it doesn't. Everyone is different, so of course, not everyone likes to please others.
We tend to never say, "no." Well, we don't like to anyways. When asked to pick up their shift at work or lead a board meeting, you feel as if you have to say yes. You know you don't have to say yes, but you feel obligated because you were the one they asked to do it.
We tend to think of others often. When you see something inexpensive in the store that would put a smile on someone's face, you grab it. It's not because you want something in return, but because that's the kind of person you are.
The problem comes when people take advantage of you, and they become ungrateful. Lets say that of your friends, you are the one who drives. When they need to run to the store you take them and you all go out together often to eat. The first few times they don't say, "thank you" and it doesn't really phase you. The next few times, it becomes more and more noticeable. The person you once were taking places on a regular basis has become accustomed to your generosity and begins using you. They stop saying, "thank you," and don't offer to pitch in a few bucks for gas. But, when you realize this and they ask to go somewhere it's hard to say no, even though you want to.
We don't really ask for much. A thank you from time to time or an offer to grab you a coffee. It doesn't have to be anything big. We don't like being used. We don't enjoy feeling obligated to do things for you when you don't treat us the same way that we treat you. So please forgive me the next time you aren't invited to go out somewhere. The next time I turn down your shift at work or to watch your kids while you go somewhere. I don't enjoy being used by you or anyone else.