You know those people who just have their life together and seem to know exactly what to do all the time. Well, I feel sorry for them, peaking in high school is NOT what you want to happen and here's why.
Well for starters, you're so young in high school. You haven't even reached 20 years old yet and you already hit the best years of your life? Ouch. Life has so much to offer so you can't limit yourself to four short years with the same people you've known all your life. When you go off to college, you meet so many new people and try so many new things that you're a completely different, better, version of yourself than you were in high school.
Being in the same town really limits the adventures and experiences you can have so keeping that in mind, you really never want to travel or experience new cultures? You just want to keep your life exactly the same with the same setting, food, people and responsibilities? I sure as hell don't. I want to see the world and try things I never could at home, that's how you grow and collect memories you remember for your whole life. When you're in high school you can't explore like that, you don't have the money or time. When you're an adult you can go anywhere you want and do anything you want (within reason). I really doubt hanging out with your high school friends on a Friday night can compare to standing in front of the eiffal tower with the love of your life.
If you peak in high school, everything after that seems dull and not exciting, you just always want to go home. Yeah, going home once in a while to see friends and family is nice, but being away at college is so worth the distance. I look forward to do things without people from my past because I know that a more exciting life is waiting for me, and it won't wait up while I dwell on the past. Just because you keep moving on doesn't mean you have to forgot about loved ones from home, but you can love them while exploring what life can be.
I've had some really amazing memories from high school, ones I'll remember for life, but to say that those moments were the best I'll ever have is completely false. I'm not even close to being the happiest I'll ever be in life, and neither are you. Keep in touch with your past self and your past life, but never hold back because of it, keep living your life to the fullest because you deserve to know what true happiness feels like. The kind of happiness you feel when you know you've done things you could never do in high school is what a real peak should be.