The holiday season is FINALLY here! It's time to retire our Halloween costumes to the back of our closets and prepare to stuff ourselves to oblivion just to burn off the calories by fighting fellow shoppers for the newest technology during early Black Friday shopping. With the holiday season here, and college classes taking a short hiatus, many students will find themselves flying home for Thanksgiving and winter break. As you board your flights, try and play this fun game of who is who on your flight. I promise every flight has these types of people on them!
1. The Loud Talker
Just because they can't hear themselves talk to their neighbor over the plane's engine doesn't mean the entire plane can't hear them either. The Loud Talker consists of grandiose laughter and an obnoxious voice.
2. The Drunk
Depending on how long your flight is, this person asks for a drink before takeoff, requests it three times while in the air, and once 20 minutes before landing. They're usually harmless until they have a little too much and start confiding to the nearest bystander about their crappy lives.
3. The Soccer Family
This family usually consists of a mom, dad and five kids, one including a toddler who won't stop screaming at the top of their lungs for the entire flight You can find them near the middle of the aircraft taking up a row or two of seats and probably more than one crying kid.
4. The Sleeper
You've been seated on the plane for less than five minutes and they're already passed out. They'll sleep through take-off, beverage services, and through turbulence. They'll only rise from their slumber when the plane hits the tarmac of your destination.
5. The Space Invader
For some STRANGE reason, these people feel as though they need both of the armrests and the space underneath YOUR seat.
6. The Applauder
Is it REALLY necessary to applaud after the plane parks on the tarmac? I don't think so, neither does the rest of the plane.
7. The Reader
As soon as they sit in their seat they're fully enveloped in their book's world and there is no chance you will hear a word out of their mouth unless it is for some water with lemon and light ice.
8. The Business Man
Usually, they'll have a suit and tie on, having a conference call on their Bluetooth two minutes before takeoff. You'll find them in first and business class. Can't forget that they will most likely be clicking away on their computer whether the flight is 30 minutes for 3 hours.
9. The Instant Stander
As soon as the pilot turns off the seatbelt sign after you land, you will find these people. For some reason, these characters don't follow the unwritten rule of waiting until the people in front of you get up. They're usually in the back of the plane.
10. Mr. and Mrs. Needypants
You know that weird call sound that goes off every 15 minutes for help? That's because of these guys right here.
11. Team No Headphones
No, Justin with the tie-dyed shirt cargo shorts and flip-flops, I don't want to hear your obnoxious dubstep during the entire flight just because you forgot your wireless earbuds.
12. Mr. and Mrs. Make-Yourself-At-Home
As soon as they sit down, these people take off their shoes and place there feet on the end of the armrest in front of them. You can find these subjects walking freely about the cabin and going to the bathroom shoeless. By the way, that water you see on the floor in the bathroom... it's probably not water.
On your flight home for the holidays, make sure you find these people on your flights; if you can't find one then it's probably you.
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