Depending on the person, some people love going to the gym and others dread it. I personally like going to the gym, but I feel judged the whole time I am there because I do not have the "six-pack" or the pecks of steel. However, let me share some of the things that go on at the gym.
1. People who cannot handle their free weights
You know that one person should stop at a certain weight, but they have the go big, go home mentality. Every time ends in going home for them.
2. People who try to dance and cycle
These are usually held in classes. I have taken one before...DEFINITELY NOT FOR ME.
3. People that are getting their reps in like there's no tomorrow
Some people just really have to slow down on the weights. One wrong rep could send you to places that you do not want to go to.
5. People that are not cut out for this life (Me)
This couldn't be more accurate in my case. I put myself through hell knowing that I could be eating whatever I want, and never feeling sore.
6. Body builders trying to out-do everyone
Sometimes these people are so annoying. By the way, these are the people that like to yell obnoxiously during every workout.
8. People that have no idea what they are doing
If you need a good laugh, there is always that one person who is looking like they have never exercised before.
9. People who do not need to workout, but still go to show off.
You people need to make your own gym and work out there. You all make others not want to workout.
10. The misfits
I want to feel bad and help these people, but I definitely would not be able to hold in my laughter.
11. People who let the machines take the wheel
Some things you cannot explain. You just have to stay strong and take what is coming.