Finals week is pretty much the furthest thing from a Disney movie. You can't just sing a little song outside of your dorm window and magically have the sparrows pecking out your final papers while a sheep dog herds your group members for a team meeting and the local hawk claws out the face of that noisy person on the quiet floor of the library. However, here are some familiar faces from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that you will encounter during this stressful time.
Snow White
No group project would be complete without the Snow White. Surrounded by a false sense of calm and no signs of stress, they rely on the work of other's to survive. The Snow White will be unable to do their part of the project last minute due to a fake mysterious illness, forcing their group members to save the project.
Because binge watching Grey's Anatomy is basically like studying for that anatomy final. Sure they may not know exactly where the incus bone is in the human body, but at least they know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
Between Netflix and all-nighters, they haven't gotten more than 4 hours of sleep this week. Who needs to see the finale of 'The Walking Dead' when there are bodies scattered in the nooks and crannies of the library gaining that precious power nap and hordes of walkers flooding Tim Horton's.
The second dimension of Sleepy, Grumpy is resentful at the world, relying on coffee and self-restraint to not lash out at their group members. Off to work they go, morning and night, and acting like the bridge troll of their spot in the library. Approach with caution.
Usually seated at the back of the classroom, Bashful is the student you never realized was in your class until they show up for the final. The only thing as nonexistent as their participation grade is the possibility of extra credit work from a professor.
Dopey turning up on a Tuesday. Or a Monday. Or mid-afternoon. That's not water in their water bottle.
Being one of the unfortunate few who get sick during finals week, their suffering is palpable. Sick on finals week starter pack: Gatorade, pajamas, hand sanitizer, tissues, no voice and no shame.
Having already gone through the 5 stages of grief over their imminent drop in GPA, Happy is already on summer mode. Possessing the greatest sense of chill possible, they float through finals week, finishing their finals with a sigh of "c'est la vie".