In today's society, we are constantly meeting people. Regardless of what age you are at this point, you have most likely come across countless amounts of humans thus far in your life. I know I have. It's inevitable. We live in a diverse culture that allows us to experience people of all ethnicities, religions, interests, and personalities. While 9.9999 times out of 10 this is a great aspect of the modern world, there is still that small handful of people you encounter that do something to make you think to yourself, "What on earth is going through that person's head? They are not doing life right!" These people can range from complete strangers who catch the corner of your eye in a public place to some of your most treasured friends or family members. One little incident or random act can be a complete game changer that makes you think of them differently forever. Yes, I said FOREVER. They fall into a category of humans that some of us (myself included) like to call "People Not To Trust." Now before you get too confused, allow me to quickly elaborate:
The people not to trust are those who just completely defy the norm when it comes to the average day-to-day activities. They take a task so plain and simple, and in the words of Mr. Mom, are flat out just "doing it wrong." This summer at the overnight camp I work at, my friends and I got to talking on this topic and spent the majority of our down time growing more and more passionate about it. Several of them have since compiled lists on their phones of people not to trust and continue to add on as we think of more. That being said, there is an understood agreement about the People Not to Trust -- although their quirks do not make them the worst citizens out there, they certainly don't make them the best either. It's not that they are necessarily bad people, you just know when you know...and you just can't trust them anymore. Here's a small list of the ones that have stood out to me the most. I've even asked some outsiders to contribute their thoughts. Hopefully, this will inspire you to take note of the little things in life or maybe even create your own personal list. Enjoy!
1. People who go to Mexican restaurants and order chicken nuggets or a hamburger
You poor, naive human being. What are you doing here? There are far better places to satisfy your chicken nugget cravings. Please excuse yourself, you and I both know that you are very much in the wrong here.
2. People who go to sleep with their socks on, and wake up with their socks still on
"It just doesn't make any sense. You have to literally not move an inch while you're asleep and that in itself just cannot be humanly possible. When you kick around while you're sleeping the socks are more than likely bound to catch on the material of your bedding in some way. If that's not enough to wake you up and rip those socks off in the middle of the night, there is no way I can be your friend."
-Alyssa Dowell, sophomore at the University of Mississippi.
3. People who put eyelashes or mustaches on their cars
Please do less. Your car is not a human being nor will it ever resemble one. In the grand scheme of things, these efforts do more harm than good. They scare all of us. This is not a drill.
4. People who only set one alarm
"Like do you wake up so easily because you're paranoid or is it that you just have so much energy from a good nights sleep?? Either way, it's not normal. Who has the self-motivation to just hop out of bed after one alarm?"
-Catherine Mills, junior at Louisiana State University
5. People who eat their burritos sideways
"They make burritos long-ways so that you can get the good stuff in every bite. Also, if you eat it sideways, there's no way that thing is staying rolled up in burrito form and then you look like a messy fool who doesn't appreciate the art form of a good burrito."
-Emily Rosata, sophomore at Appalachian State University
6. People who just put their chewed gum wherever they want
I feel that there doesn't need to be much elaboration here, aside from the fact that trash cans exist and I would really prefer not to be getting out of my desk and having my fingers graze against anything wet and/or sticky at that time.
7. People who put their child on a leash
"OK, what are you setting them up for in life no one is going to put them on a leash in college no one is going to put them on a leash in the work place."
-Caroline Lawrence, sophomore and Lewis and Clark College
8. People with jailbroken iPhones
THIS. Where do I even start?? You spent hundreds of dollars on a piece of technology, only to turn around and completely destroy it. Listen, I know that "dare to be different" can really become a lifestyle in this world. Life can get hard and there are twists and turns and sometimes we make impulsive decisions without thinking enough. But jailbreaking your iPhone cannot be one of them. I'm so sorry to break this to you, but having a 360 effect on your home screen really isn't worth the fight. Please, for the love of God, you are absolutely ruining everything that an iPhone is supposed to be.
On that note, I am going to stop typing before any tears start to fall. Yes, hopefully this list provided you with a laugh or two. However, I also hope that you readers out there genuinely took some of these to heart. If you read this and saw that some aspect of it applied to you, maybe take a step back and reflect on your life choices for a minute. Talk to someone. We are here to help.