Following your dreams can mean moving out of your hometown to a different area to attend a college that can make your dream come true. Whether that would be to play on a sports team, live in an area next to the beach, or attend a school that excels in your field of study. It's so exciting and nerve-wracking, thinking about leaving your hometown behind and starting a new life, a new you.
Although there is one thing that you don't want to leave behind: your significant other. So you talk about it for days, with both of your minds racing from one end of the spectrum to the other. Both of you are frantically trying to decide what is best for your relationship and each other. Yet you finally come to the agreement that you value each other too much to let each other go, so you decide to do long distance in college.
1. The town they are in becomes your new vacation destination
Whether it's a long break or a long weekend, you find yourself packing your suitcase and traveling to the town they are in. It's usually the first place that comes to mind when you're deciding how to spend those break days.
2. FaceTime and Skype become the apps you use the most
FaceTime and Skype are the saviors in my relationship. It's the next best thing to being right next to them! Although it does become a pain in the ass when you're trying to tell your boyfriend about your day and he keeps saying, "What?" because your internet connection is affecting the FaceTime or Skype call.
3. You find yourself on travel websites trying to find the cheapest airline tickets
You find out when your next long break is and you immediately hit the internet to search through airline websites to find the cheapest ticket on the next flight out to see your significant other. (By the way, I found that looking/booking for tickets on Tues-Thurs is usually cheaper than looking/booking on Fri-Sun.)
4. Making plans for when they come home
"Oh, I saw this movie and it comes out when you're home, we have to see it!" "I heard this restaurant was good, let's try it when you come home." You get so excited to do all of these things when they come home that it makes it even more exciting to see them.
5. You are attached at the hip when you are together
Whether you're both home for a long break or just for a few days, you are wanting to spend every minute with them, and you absolutely cherish your time together. You don't want one second to go to waste when you are with them.
6. You'd do anything to be their number one supporter
I used to get motion sickness watching my boyfriend play soccer on a live stream because the camera man was horrible and kept moving all over the place. Yet I still watched, because I wanted him to know that I was there supporting him at all times. Whether it's sports or his next test, you always find yourself encouraging him to do his best.
7. No matter how many miles apart you are, your love doesn't change
I'd like to take a moment to applaud those who are in long distance relationships, because it is definitely not easy. Some days are harder than others, and all you want to do is be with your partner. You have your doubts, but in the end, you look back and realize that you have something special. It takes such a strong bong between two people to be able to live hundreds of miles away from each other, and still fall in love more and more each day. So whatever you do, never take for granted the long distance relationship you have, because it is definitely something amazing.