Being in high school a couple years ago I thought I had my life figured out. I was never a kid to indulge in alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc. (I still don't). I thought that life was going to go over smooth and once I hit college I would get my psychology degree, make the highest grades, form the strongest friendships, meet the guy I want to settle down with, etc. Man, could I have not been more wrong.
Let me preface this by saying that some of that could still happen for me. My grades are pretty good and my psychology degree is still going. Let me tell you though, I had a false sense of what my life was going to be like. I did not anticipate losing the one I thought I would marry in freshman year of college, I did not anticipate being super unsure whether I wanted to do one career or the other (I thought I had it all figured out), I did not anticipate that college is a huge popularity contest ( I am not winning), etc. I never anticipated the health problems, the family problems, and the mental health of it all. I am 20 years old, and life is sure teaching me a lesson.
Through the pain and the struggles of it all lessons are being learned. Learning who to trust, who to let in, what to do, what to learn, etc., is not an easy feat. Learning to enjoy the good things that happen and let myself be happy is another feat in itself. Learning how to not put myself on a time clock for some man to fall in love with me or for me to have fifty or more friends, is a feat in itself. College is teaching me that I do not have my complete life planned out, nor should I.
It's good to have goals, don't get me wrong. However, it's also important to know that things will come out of your control, good or bad. Your life will never be 100% how you imagined it. The important thing to note is that no matter what you keep pushing through and striving to achieve those goals you set for yourself. Life is never one straight path, and I am learning that more and more everyday.