I'm sorry,
I'm sorry that I had to give up. I'm sorry that I couldn't hold onto the friendships I thought would last a lifetime. There are no words to describe what I feel when I have to admit that it's time to give up. There are nights where I have sat in my bed and cried until I didn't have any tears left.
So many times I have been reminded that some people only come into your life for a short season. It has almost become my motto, something I repeat to myself when I start to question why. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Giving thanks in those types of situations is difficult. I often do not know what I'm giving thanks for. How can I be thankful over what I did not want? Then I will see a particular verse or catch something someone says at chapel and I am reminded that it isn't about what I want, but what God wants in my life and who He wants in my life.
Giving up on something and moving on is never easy. I've never been one to give up on something, it isn't how I was raised and by my very nature I am not a quitter. There is just something about the idea of giving up that bothers me. A feeling that nags me constantly. I am always asking myself what I could have done or said differently. That is usually when God steps in to knock me over the head and remind me to trust His plan. Sometimes God will place a person in your life to teach you something, or maybe they are there so you can teach them something. Over the course of my life, I have learned so much from different people I have come in contact with and I am thankful for everyone who has taught me something. It doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye though.
Just like everything else in life, relationships do have an ending point. Some will last far longer than others. I have friendships that I will always hold near and dear to my heart and memories that I will always cherish, whether the person is still in my life or not. Remember that these people are in your life to teach you something. The reminder that some people are only in your life for a short season stands to remind me to live my life in such a way that I would want people to walk away having known God a little better through me. I am far from perfect and I make mistakes just like everyone else, but I try.
As I continue on in life I'm sure that I will encounter more people who will come into my life and then leave as if they were never there. In those times I will give thanks. I will give thanks for the time they were they were in my life, no matter how short or long and I will remember that there is a rhyme and reason for everything.