Hello and welcome.
If you clicked on this article expecting an angry rant, know that you have already proven my point about feminism.
There have been many articles on Odyssey and other platforms about how some women don't consider themselves feminists and how that is okay. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but it is extremely dangerous to make public claims without all the facts. Here are the basics: feminism is for men and for women, feminism doesn't mean that women are better than men, feminism doesn't mean the elimination of traditional roles, feminism means equality.
The word feminism has been wrongly accused of being synonymous with man-hating and overly aggressive, and if you're of this impression, I ask you to open your mind.
Here's what people need to know about feminism.
Feminism, by definition, means equality.
Admittedly, feminism is an unfortunate name. It implies that it is only for women and that if you are not a woman, tough luck and good luck. This isn't so. Feminism addresses much more than just women's rights, like the wage gap. Feminism means allowing our sons to cry and allowing our daughters to be tough. Our society imposes masculinity on children at such an early age and that proves to be toxic later in life. If you are a man who has ever felt like your feelings and emotions weren't valid, feminism is for you too. Outright, feminism does help women more, because women are the ones in need of help. There has never been a period in American history where straight white men were the minority. Feminism only asks that women be allowed into the world that they want to be in, whatever that might be.
Feminism doesn't mean that men should be less.
This claim has never made sense to me. Of course, there are extremists that would say this, but they're such a small part of the movement and it's extremely disappointing that that is the image of the movement. Women have been lesser than men for all of human history, why would we want to subject men to that oppression? Asking for equality doesn't mean that men need to lose anything.
Feminism allows women to be mothers, lawyers, wives, and doctors.
Many women believe that feminism means that the woman in a relationship suddenly becomes the primary source of income and that the man becomes the caregiver. While this is true in some cases, feminism simply allows women to do the things that they want to. If they want to be a housewife and a mother, they are entitled to do so. Feminism doesn't ask to eliminate stereotypical female roles, it asks to relieve the pressure of society that says women have to be a mother and caregiver instead of a lawyer or doctor. Careers and motherhood are not mutually exclusive and many women want the opportunity to be in the workplace as an equal.
Many people don't get it.
Many people will agree that the wage gap is a problem, that women should be able to do what they want, that there is a problem in this country where gender is concerned. These people will go on to say that they don't support feminism. That is feminism. It is completely acceptable to not take on that title, it's scary and people who do take it on face a lot of judgment. If you support equality but don't wish to call yourself a feminist, I only ask that you don't perpetuate the idea that feminism is a dirty word and that anyone involved in it is man-hating and extreme.
I am a feminist.
I know that there is little chance that I will see the wage gap close in my life. I know that there is next to no chance that I will see a world where it is okay for men to be vulnerable. I am a feminist so that my future daughter could be a president and so that my future son can show his emotions. I am a feminist so that my future children don't face any limitations from society.
"I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back." ―Malala Yousafzai