Finals week is, for most of us, a hot mess. From papers to exams to projects all suddenly due the same week, stress levels and tempers go from zero to 60 really fast. Nevertheless, there are certain people who, no matter the circumstances, seem to have their life together or simply exhibit a series of bizarre behaviors that the regular student cannot fathom possible. Here is a short list of those types of people while you procrastinate studying for that test or completing that assignment in favor of getting sucked into the magical black hole that is the internet.
1. Those who always look flawless
"Good for you," I say in my hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.
2. The professors who unwittingly sync up and schedule everything for the same day
And laugh when we tell them how we have three fifteen-page papers due the same day.
3. Those who stay awake without artificial stimulation
How do you even?
4. Those who do not pull a single all-nighter
Good for you.
5. Those who sleep more than six hours every night
Teach me your ways.
6. Those who manage to be completely prepared for all of their finals
They're like this dinosaur in two ways: 1. they are living the life, and 2. they are extinct.
7. Those who finish their papers more than six hours before the deadline
You unicorns. I admire your work ethic.
8. The professors who manage to get all grades in more than twelve hours before the deadline
And don't end up like Ted Mosby in this GIF by the end of the week.
9. Those who make it through the week without asking for extensions
I am sure your instructors are quite pleased with your performance.
10. Those who manage to stay in a good mood throughout all of finals season
Excuse me while I scream my frustration into a pillow and continue through your pleasant, smiley day.
11. Those who do not even have finals
So jealous. Go, be free, while I drown under this pile of papers and exams.