If you know OTH, you know Peyton Sawyer’s famous words, “People always leave.” If you’re like me, you probably think those words are true, that people do always leave, no one stays forever. By this point in your life, you have prepared for every friendship or any sort of relationship in your life to end.
You have learned that “forever” does not exist, not with friends, not with relationships, not even with family. You learned early on in your life that even if people are still in your life, that does not mean that they’re really there. You may constantly think back on all the people who have come and gone, in and out of your life. Some people last longer than others, some only last a few months. Eventually, you accept that everyone leaves, you don’t expect anything less.
There used to be the constant thought of “What is wrong with me?” There was rarely any closure. Some people would stop talking to you all together, no explanation given. Others would drift and go off and find new people to replace you. Then, there were the people who moved away, the ones who you promised to keep in touch with, but maybe talk to less than once a year now. Even though you may still see these people, that doesn’t mean they are any less gone from your life. No matter how they left, they still left.
It sucks when people leave, but shit happens. Sometimes It is easier to let go of the people who have left rather than to hold grudges. Nothing is meant to last forever. Everyone has people who come and go in their lifetime, and everyone has been the person who leaves at least once or twice. Not all people are meant to stay in your life. Sometimes when people leave, your life will get better.
I have learned that it is okay to embrace your inner Peyton Sawyer. That accept that everyone leaves, learn a lesson from them. It is okay to be angry or hurt. You did not do anything wrong, some people just aren't meant to have people stay forever. Cherish the people in your life. Even if you know that they will leave one day, make every day that they are there count. Create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. There is nothing wrong with you, there are always going to be people that leave, and that is okay.