Although it may seem like colleges kids wouldn't have people in their life similar to those who work in the Parks and Recreation Department in Pawnee, Indiana, it is pretty accurate and applicable to the college scene.
1. Ron Swanson
Ron is that guy: super quiet kid in your math section. He never speaks and lord knows he doesn't want to. You can also feel him silently judging you no matter how far away you are, or how close to the door he is. Then, you see him on the weekend downing an entire bottle of whiskey in the quad and you are like ???
2. Tom Haverford
Tom is that guy in your hall who thinks he has way more swag than he actually does. He is always talking about all the babes he is getting and all the cool new clothes he has. But in actuality, everyone in your entryway knows he's a sham.
3. April Ludgate
April is your roommate who hates your guts.Then at the end of the year, she cries when you are moving out.
4. Ben Wyatt
Ben is that kid from freshman fall who you thought was super weird but ended up being one of your best friends by your senior year...and you secretly bond over your love of calzones.
5. Andy Dwyer
Andy is that guy you met once around campus and now see in the most random places doing the most random things. You see him in the Science Center at 1 am eating a grilled cheese, and then a week later doing a pset outside while it is snowing.
6. Chris Traeger
Chris is your way too overenthusiastic TF who tries to get everyone excited for the next pset. Please Chris, we are not excited.
7. Ann Perkins
Ann Perkins is that one friend you aren't really sure how you became friends with because you are complete opposites in every way possible but you are so thankful that you are. And then you remember it's because of all the fun you two have together on the weekends.
8. Leslie Knope
Leslie is that girl who sends out way too many enthusiastic emails to your dorm to join various clubs and do random things. But hey, good for her for having some school spirit.