When you come to college you will either float or sink when you make the move to an apartment from living on campus, because you'll actually have to cook for yourself for once instead of walking to a dining hall.
So here's a list of 13 things you've definitely experienced if you don't know how to cook, like, at all. The struggle is real!
1. Having fast food employees know your order just from seeing you.
2. Ordering to-go from restaurants just to eat somewhat healthy.
3. Your freezer is mostly filled with frozen meals that you cook in the microwave or the oven.
4. The microwave is your best friend in the kitchen.
5. Your pantry is stocked with all different types of pasta and pre-made sauce in a can or jar.
The pasta ranges from ramen noodles to mac n' cheese, or just plain pasta that you can mix with any sauce.
6. You send photos of meals you have cooked to your parents for appraisal.
7. You call your parents when you have questions about something you are cooking.
8. All your recipes have five or less ingredients.
9. Even with few ingredients and direction you mess up.
10. You follow many food accounts to look at amazing meals that you wish you could cook.
11. You over cook chicken all the time, even with a meat thermometer.
12. You have no patience when making a meal.
13. You buy certain foods in bulk to save money because you know you'll go through it within a month.
Don't worry, the holidays are right around the corner and you can get some homecooked meals without having to cook them for yourself.
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