I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, living there for 18 solid years, before moving to good old Wayne, America for college. When I got to school I noticed a few things about small town living that were a bit of a culture shock coming from a large city.
1. Almost everyone leaves their cars unlocked.
Are you Crazy?! If you did that in any big city you are asking for everything to be stolen out of your car, if not the whole car stolen.
Bonus points if you leave your car running while going to the store, or just leave your keys in your car at all times. I literally don’t understand how people do that and lock my car even if I am in the post office for less than two minutes.
2. You can drive through the entirety of the town in less than five minutes.
In Omaha It takes some people five minutes just to leave their neighborhood.
3. Small towns take great pride in their county fair.
It’s like the Superbowl of rural communities, and the highlight of their summer. One of my favorite fun facts to share about myself is that I have never been to a county or a state fair, I usually get a lot of confused looks.
4. People in small towns are very trusting.
One time I went to a store in Wayne where I knew I could drop off a package to be shipped. I didn’t know they charged a fee to drop off a package, so before I went out to dig for change in my car the owner just told me to pay it back later, I was surprised that she was so trusting. Just for the record I went back the next day and paid.
5.The famous one finger wave.
Well maybe its not famous per-say, but it is something you see ALL the time.
6. Your friends from small towns will be terrified to drive in your “Big City”
They claim there are too many stop lights, lanes, and that the drivers are crazy.
7. Sidewalks are almost non-existent.
Even when there are sidewalks, they aren’t always in the most convenient areas. I've come to accept the fact that walking in the street works just fine.
8. Most small towns have a “thing” they're known for.
For example Wayne has Chicken Days, Wakefield is the Baseball Capital of Nebraska, Hebron has the world’s largest porch swing, etc.
9. People care about you.
Like actually care about you. Whether it's the cafeteria workers or a random person walking down the street, they ask how your day is going and are genuinely interested.
10. Businesses close early, like REALLY early.
Wayne East here we come!
11. Everybody knows everybody.
Including what their parents do, how many siblings they have, and what they had for dinner last night. Okay, its not that extreme, but they do know who's who.
After almost four years of living in a small town I have come to appreciate its quirks and uniqueness. Even though small towns don't have Wal-marts they do have character, kindness and love. No matter where I end up, I'll always have an appreciation for small towns.