All of us who have seen March of the Penguins and the Happy Feet movies are well aware that penguins are part of the minute 3% of animals that are mostly monogamous, meaning they mate with the same one animal every year for their lifetime. Penguins in particular take romance and courtship to the extreme as males search the beach for hours to find the smoothest and most elegant pebble they lay eyes on to present it as a gift to their true love. If the lady penguin accepts the pebble presented to her by a kind gentleman, she will place it in her nest and commit to a long night of muddling her feathers and countless weeks of preparing for the couple’s little ones to arrive. People have been obsessing over these sweet birdy gestures and even referring to penguin’s love lives as “ultimate relationship goals”. Penguins had never given us any reason to doubt their loyalty until now.
A recent National Geographic video has been circling the web and this lady penguin's infidelity to her husband and the father of her children has shaken social media users worldwide. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look. I am warning you though, it may leave you confused, traumatized and with serious trust issues.
Click Here to Watch the Penguin Fight
So basically, Mr.Penguin sets out to go get some food for his wife and babies like the great hubby he is and to his surprise he comes home to see his wife is cheating on him with a new man... WTF! This unfaithful lady penguin just went and cheated on her husband while he was gone. Mrs.Penguin is a stone-cold, heartless woman who apparently doesn't know how to appreciate something good when got it. It's okay to be upset by the way; we all are. We we're rooting for the penguin species to be a stellar example of true love but apparently nobody can be trusted these days not even these supposedly loyal feathery little creatures.
It gets even worse though. Of course even though Mr.Penguin is hurt and confused he still has to man up and fight for his wife and the custody of his kids, so him and the home-wrecking penguin start a brawl while the cheating lady penguin sits and watches. Look at these guys beak to beak ready to tear each other apart over a woman they both love. They wrestle to the ground and use their wings to flap at each other at crazy speeds in order to prove themselves the alpha male to the slutty penguin.
Mrs. Penguin sure does have a type because both of these fellas are about the same size and the first round of their fight pretty much ended in a draw. The two males then decide to let the lady decide which of them she wants so they stand across from each other and let out a matting call to see who she will come to.
The husband penguin and the home-wrecker penguin both cry out at the top of their lungs hoping they'll be the lucky one their lover choses. But even the husband's loudest call for his woman wasn't enough because, like the scandalous woman she is, she chose her affair over her loving husband.
Seriously lady WTF is your problem? I bet your new man didn't even go out to find a special pebble for you. How could she reject the father of her babies just to be with some new guy she just met. Mrs. Penguin has absolutely no chill and is possibly the pettiest penguin in all of Antartica. We hope she slips on an iceberg.
The husband penguin is still not willing to give up on this woman though, who knows why. So he follows her and her new boyfriend back home and pecks at him hoping he will budge, but the home-wrecking penguin just won't give up. He makes one last call to his wife hoping she will have second thoughts and come to her senses but she just ghosted him even harder the second time like the savage she is. Mr. Penguin realizes that she is sticking to her new man, so he sets out into the world homeless, wife-less and family-less with little hope left for the world.
We know you've lost the fight Mr. Penguin but at least all of twitter is on your side.
Well everyone besides your cheating wife of course.
These hoes ain't loyal Mr.Penguin, you deserve better.