If you haven't heard of sushi, News Flash: It's delicious!
And you might have even heard of sushi burgers, a sushi twist that first originated in Japan – appearing on the menu of Japanese burger chain MOS – that has been recently trending on Instagram.
You make your burger buns out of rice, and put anything from raw fish to chicken katsu to teriyaki steak between them.
But did you know that there is an emerging underworld of other sushi foods?
For instance, the SUSHI DOUGHNUT:
The blogger behind So Beautifully Raw made these by filling a coconut-greased doughnut mould with sushi rice. They were then decorated with black sesame, ginger, wasabi, cashew mayo, and avocado.
Let me just repeat that. People are making sushi doughnuts.
And it doesn't stop there, SUSHI PIZZA:
Topped with broccoli, avocado, ginger, wasabi, black sesame and obviously, tons of other deliciousness.
If it doesn’t have cheese, is it still pizza?!
Like, who came up with this stuff?!
You want a sushi taco? OF course there is a sushi taco:
This looks absolutely delicious, 100 percent would eat.
And to finish it all off, sushi cake:
I am both shocked and amazed at how artistic this looks...and how much my mouth is watering.
Moral of the story: I'm completely down to eat a five course sushi feast.
Sushi is the most magical of all seafood's #letsbehonest.
And I cannot wait to try each and every one of these beautiful new creations.