If you are a busy bee like me, you will understand how free time is a rare thing. I work two jobs on top of taking 16 credit hours and being in a sorority and honor society, so hectic is a bit of an understatement. I enjoy the lifestyle of being busy, but there are of course some downsides to it. These statements sum up my life perfectly.
1. Your planner is your best friend.
I do not know what I would do without having my life perfectly lined up on schedules, because it is easy to forget what is on my agenda for the day.
2. You have to decide between being well-rested and having a social life.
I tend to be done with all of my responsibilities around 10:00 pm, so I want to hang out with my friends, but by body wants to sleep.
3. You wish coffee came in IV form.
There are days where large coffees filled with espresso shots don't do justice. Not to mention that it is a normal occasion for you to drink coffee at night to get everything finished for the day.
4. You wake up tired...
...always. You forget what it means to be well-rested.
5. You finally have time to watch Netflix and relax, but you fall asleep as soon as you turn on the TV.
I was so pumped to watch "The Office," brain, why do you need sleep?
6. You consider cooking a relaxing break.
The kitchen is where I am happy. I am having a blast making stir fry.
7. Multitasking is in your blood.
The more tasks I perform at once, the sooner I can actually do something enjoyable.
8. Your idea of hanging out with friends is taking them on errands with you.
"Sure, we can hang out. But I need to go grocery shopping and that is my only time today that I am not working or studying, so you will have to come with me."
9. Your body is used to you eating fast.
My stomach is the stomach of a champion for taking in the entire pasta dinner that I scarfed down in five minutes.
10. People complain that you are a bad texter.
I fully admit to not texting you back for three days. It's not you, it's me. You can see the dozens of people in my inbox that I also have not had time to answer.
11. You have to pencil hanging out with friends into your agenda.
I've forgotten dinner plans one too many times, so I literally have to write fun time into my schedule.
As hectic as my life can be, I feel that I am definitely living it to the fullest and getting the most out of my college experience. I love being on the go and staying busy. Despite all of this, there are days where I need to stay inside and take care of myself. I always am sure to remember to eat and relax, for I do not want to overwork my body.