There comes a point in your life where change becomes inevitable. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it, it just happens. Once you hit your 20’s you start figuring out what you’re doing with your life and planning ahead is one of the most important things, but one thing you can’t plan or predict are relationships.
You’ve already been through the high school relationships. The years spent with that main friend group or the guy you dated for four years, those are all memories, you might keep in touch with those people here and there or see them on breaks but now, you’re on to college, figuring out the next step to starting the rest of your life.
I have found keeping relationships over the years is like trying to keep your white converse clean, almost impossible. Through the bad roommates, the heartbreaks, moving away from home and everyone going their separate ways for college, you find that in college you are slowing creating your path for your future. Those high school relationships become old news and your life in college is now your main focus.
There comes a time in college, the part we all dread, when our friends start to graduate, find real world jobs and leave us in the dust. One day that will be us but right now, that feels like a lifetime away. We have all experienced the brutal heartbreak of a relationship that was forced to end due to distance. There are some people who can handle the distance and believe in, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder” then there are others who beg to differ.
Regardless of what happens in the future or what has happened in the past, the people that are meant to be in your life will stay; whether they’re miles away or sitting right next to you. You can’t stop the fact that a person’s life or path may change, but make sure in the process, you make a big enough impact on their life so they remember you forever.