When you happen to travel a lot, and by a lot I mean every weekend, you start to notice people in the airport. So I have compiled a list of people I have noticed in airports all across the United States.
1. The family.
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When the whole family goes on vacation. The kids with the rolling back packs and stuffed animals. Screaming kids on the plane. You know the deal
2. The runners.
Left for the airport too late. Got stuck in security. The excuse list is never ending. Just get on the damn plane.
3.) The missed flight people.
Screaming at the gate attendant for closing the door when they’re supposed to. Crying when the gate attendant refuses to open it for their sorry ass.
4. The people who don’t speak a lick of English.
They usually talk on the phone and stare at you when they’re not doing anything.
5. The “I thought it was 50 lbs!” bag person.
Yells at the desk agent because the rule is 40lbs and the agent can totally fix that. They proceed to take out their clothes and start stuffing their carry-ons right at the counter so they don’t have to pay the $100 fee.
6. The live-ins.
I call these people live-ins because they’re the ones who are passed out on the floor or uncomfortable chairs. Either they missed their flights or are going to miss their flights.
7. The lost soul.
This person literally has no clue what they’re doing. They don’t understand security or gates, boarding times or seating.
8. The complainers.
They complain about everything. The airline fees. The security line. The boarding process. The amount of money they have to spend on food and drink. The bathroom lines. EVERYTHING IS A PROBLEM FOR THEM.
(I fall in this category) The people who know what’s going on. They could probably recite the security briefing in the beginning of the flight. They take their shoes off before they’re even asked.
10. Business people.
Men and women, dressed nice, with a briefcase. Also frequent flyers.
11. The nervous nellies.
Terrified of flying. Grips the seat in front of them or the handles. Constantly asking the flight attendant questions.
12. The bathroom dwellers.
The people who get up 10,000 times to use the bathroom on the flight, now matter how short or long the flight may be. (I can also fall in the category)
13. The Couples who haven't seen each other since last week.
Is there someone I missed?