It's that time of year again... ARTS FEST.
If you're a Penn Stater, you know what that means. Alumni, family, townies, and students all come together to celebrate one hell of a great time together on one crazy weekend that you'll never forget.
Let's take a moment to get prepared for what's ahead of us all this weekend.
The parties. The bar scene. You know what it is.
Dancing. It's okay, we know you're all rusty.
Walking around downtown, full of confidence. Yeah, it's true, you're actually back at State.
(Yes, it's a Pokemon. No, I haven't found a Jigglypuff in State College yet on Pokemon Go.)
Then the Creamery lines.......
Seeing old friends after roughly two months...
Saying goodbye to those same friends after the weekend is over...
But knowing you'll see everyone again.
And knowing that school is only a month and a half away.
Except for the alumni. Sorry, alumni. That's why I'm staying in school for as long as I can.