Kids are like little magical creatures. They are beautiful and pure and full of light as they haven’t been too tainted by the world yet. I got to experience some of this joy this past semester when I was given the chance to have a pen pal who was in elementary school. She definitely reminded me of some things as well as brightened my day once a week when I got her letters. Here are some things she taught me:
1. Be excited.
Yes, maybe we have had a bit more experience than when we were in elementary school, but that is no reason to not be excited about the world and what is it come.
2. Be happy.
There are many reasons to be unhappy today, but there are equally if not more reasons to be happy. Don’t let the bad and scary in the world bring you down for too long; if anything you can always find happiness by trying to change the bad to be good.
3. Don’t mind too much.
Okay so someone says a sassy comment that you may or may not have taken the wrong way. So what? You are a cool person and that one person’s comment shouldn’t get you down. Having a bad day? Hope for a better day tomorrow, bad luck and bad days can’t last forever – trust me.
4. Look for the positive in people.
‘Sally’ (I picked this name randomly so if your name happens to be Sally please take no offense) is perhaps always rude to you, well she may have her reasons. She could be having a bad day, she could have a not so great life outside of wherever you see her, but maybe she has really nice hair or eyes. Maybe pay her a compliment the next time you see her. Being nice and looking for the positive is never that hard, so if you have a moment, try to look for the positive.
5. Never assume anything.
Sometimes even I have a bad day and I go around yelling or glaring at anyone in my way – but I’m not usually like that but if that is your first impression of me your first thought may be “wow, she is so rude, what’s up with her?” Well, maybe there is something up with me. Whenever someone snaps at you or is not in a good mood, there is probably a reason. Don’t let their negativity get you down and don’t go around telling the world what a terrible person they are, because they could have just been having a terrible day.
6. Even the people who seem happy may not be.
If you have a friend who always seems to be in a good mood – that’s great! I hope that they truly are always happy or have a reason to be. But sometimes, it can be a cover or they would rather be happy than show sadness and have people ask ‘what’s wrong?’ So if you are ever having a conversation with an always happy person, take a moment to ask how they are doing, just to make sure.
7. Dream Big.
Set your goals as high as you want. You want to cure cancer? Do it. You want to travel to Mars? You do it. You want to create a new style of dance or art? You do it. It may come with a lot of failed attempts, but if that is what you want, don’t give up—ever.
8. Be thankful for what you have.
Your life may have some special quirks or it could be the most ordinary life—both are great. Be thankful for whatever you have or are given. Some things may be seen as greater than others but in truth, all are pretty good. Be thankful for what you have but if you want more don’t be afraid to go out and work for it to get it.
This past semester I was lucky enough to get to have a pen pal in elementary school. This young girl gave me new hope and happiness, and even inspiration. Her letters brightened my day and definitely brought me joy at least once a week. Her energy was clear to me as I read her weekly letters and gave me some of that same energy—even during some of my toughest weeks at college. To say I am thankful for this opportunity would be an understatement.